sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

Carnival in Ecuador

The carnival is a public celebration, which takes place immediately before the Christian Lent, dated variable (between February and March depending on the year), combining elements such as costumes, parades and street parties.
The origin of its celebration seems likely of pagan festivals, such as those performed in honor of Bacchus, the god of wine, the Roman Saturnalia and Lupercalia, or those performed in honor of the Apis bull in Egypt. According to some historians, the origins of this festival date back to ancient Sumeria and Egypt more than 5000 years ago, with celebrations very similar in the Roman Empire, where the custom in Europe expanded, being brought to America by the Spanish and Portuguese in the fifteenth century sailors.

In Ecuador in the first case this event is linked to agricultural practices, cooperative work, the relationship with the land and religion is expressed to those items. It also links with the singing carnival and fasting.
While in the city there is a devotion to the Child Jesus and the masses multiply on the eve of Carnival, therefore consolidates the call priostazgo also singing the songs and play with dust and water remains Carnival has the under join or chain the peoples. It does so through three common elements: food, water and couplets.            

Carnival in Ecuador is celebrated in different ways according to each city the best known are:

Guaranda Carnival is the "Fiesta Mayor" of the city and the province. Guaranda is known for the cultural expression of popular traditions. The carnival is celebrated in February makes Guaranda in one of the cities most visited by domestic and foreign tourists. Several previous parades, traditional dances and festive pregame air with water, streamers, cariocas, eggs, together with typical food and strong liquor called "Blue Bird".

  • ·         CARNIVAL AMBATO

The Feast of Fruits and Flowers is one of Ecuador's most popular celebrations and takes place in Ambato, for the carnival. This feast began to be celebrated in 1951, as a way in which people celebrated their rebirth Ambato, after an earthquake destroyed the city in 1949. The Feast of Fruits and Flowers was in the beginning (after the earthquake) an agricultural fair, but in 1951 coincided with the carnival. It is so called because the players are precisely fruits and flowers are produced in abundance in the region, and this party is, somehow, the opportunity to thank the earth for its fertility, and portend good harvests.

During the carnival season, in the city of Ambato, capital of the province of Tungurahua, various activities are organized. The first activity of the Feast of Fruits and Flowers during carnival days (since the activities began in mid-February) is the Blessing of flowers, fruits and bread. For this occasion, in the atrium of the Cathedral of the city impressive offerings, representing works of art, made precisely with flowers, fruits and bread are installed. This is the beginning of the celebrations of Carnival.

Ambato Carnival has always been known for being a giant party, which all enjoy and celebrate the city and life. There are many other activities during this celebration, such as neighborhood parties, concerts, and even a bullfighting; in fact, there will be no time to get bored with everything you need to do.
In our country, town bands had the function of transmitting through the generations, musical creations mostly do not lay on any formal support and were protected in specialized areas. It is in this way that, arrived sanjuanitos the capishcas, tunes and other traditional compositions to the ears of the people and stayed forever.
Carnival is synonymous with dance, joy, parades, parties where you can not miss the famous "Carnaval de Guaranda" song is sung by thousands.
This very popular tune played at carnival invites us to live these traditional festivals with great joy.


The variety in both the preparation and the presentation of the cuisine of the carnival is infinite, but the essence and flavors are commensurate to the taste of each person. The amount and the way of serving the various dishes is one of the main differences between traditional cooking raw or "Creole" as some prefer to call it gourmet and that every day reaches more spaces.
Each province is co different dishes according identifies its gastronomy
In the holidays almost no sleep and from six o'clock pigs begin to sear, cook mote, prepare humes, chicha, sambo sweet, bread, among others. That visitors or relatives who wet inside and out, painted her face with powder and carnival songs are disguised carrying guitars, accordions and drums join this festival will be provided.
At the party use of corn it is done because it is consumed in various forms: sweet or dry, natural or processed and cooked corn, roasted, mote, ground into flour to make "Chiguiles" and wrapping the young leaves of the same corn ; as alcohol Chicha de Jora, fermentation of corn this germinating or cornmeal whitening people involved party.
Sweet  sambo                                                                            

Chicha of jora

Fresh fig                                                                                       





Parades, costumes, games, beaches, vacations and papelillo define the word carnival. Children, youth and adults, celebrate carnival celebrations to the beat of traditional music and different activities.
In Venezuela, the carnival arrived with the conquest and the habit of playing with water, eggs and other substances had. In the eighteenth century began to be held in Caracas more refined way with floats, parades and other activities.

- Brazil: Carnival held in Brazil is the world's largest. The festival is celebrated specifically in the cities of Salvador de Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. These carnivals are famous for the huge number of samba schools parading in front of the spectators called "Sambadrome".

- Argentina: The variety of territories and customs made every region has its own way of celebrating. In the city of Buenos Aires, the street musicians, folk ensembles, they roam the neighborhoods and are responsible for putting the rhythm in this celebration.
In the Andean Northwest region, the carnival celebrations mark the subsistence of ancient indigenous traditions, while in the Mesopotamian region, the celebrations have a similar Brazilian-style, including elements of the River Plate culture as Candomble, a dance with a lively rhythm and of African origin.

- Colombia: The festival begins with the reading of the announcement, which kicks off the season of "Precarnavales", at which various activities such as the coronation of Queen and Guacherna held. This celebration takes place 4 days before Ash Wednesday. The Carnival of Barranquilla was declared Oral and Intangible Heritage by UNESCO in 2003 and Cultural Heritage of the Nation in 2001 by the Congress of Colombia.

- Mexico: Veracruz Carnival is celebrated since 1866, in colonial times, when the country supported the imposition of the empire of Maximilian. At this time, the jarochos always given to humorous, requesting Domingo Bureau, superior Prefect of the Department permission to celebrate the "Festival of Masks" which masquerades were performed on the main social centers of the time, such as theater and some classrooms where the people gave vent to their joy and good humor.